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Shopify integration

How do I add a Shopify e-store to MultiParcels?

Tomas Kelečius avatar
Written by Tomas Kelečius
Updated over 3 months ago

This lesson has several parts:

Creating shipping zones in Shopify. Why it is needed?

Delivery methods in Shopify can be grouped by delivery zones. This is useful when you want to set e.g. one delivery rate for a purchase in Lithuania and another for a purchase in another country.

  1. Go to Shopify settings -> Shipping and delivery;

  2. Delivery methods at checkout under general shipping rates -> click manage.

  3. If you have created Custom shipping rates, the following steps need to be done for both general and custom.

In the next step, you will see which products you sell will be covered by the settings. If you want to create different settings for some products, e.g. if you want some products to be shipped by LP Epress courier and others to be delivered to Omniva post office, you would need to create a custom shipping rate (in the previous picture you can see the "create new profile").

If all products are in place, choose Create shipping zone.

The next step is to fill in:

Zone name - set the zone name;

Search countries and regions - select the countries where customers will be able to buy your products.

For example, we chose Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

We already have a delivery zone - we need to create delivery methods for it: let's choose Add rate.

The next step is to specify the name of the delivery method and the price. You can also add conditions for this delivery method by clicking Add conditions:

In our case, a customer who buys for less than €40 will see the Omniva mailbox option for €2, while a customer who buys for more than €40 will see the same option for free.

Adding a Shopify e-shop to the MultiParcels platform.

  1. On our platform, go to the shops section;

  2. Click Add to Shopify;

3. Please provide all the necessary data:

4. You will be redirected to the Shopify store where you will need to select Install app button:

5. After the shop has been added, select to Check connection to make sure everything was done successfully:

Showing pick-up points selection to the client

Go to Shopify settings. Go to the Checkout section in the Shopify admin panel.

Checkout nustatymai

Go to Edit Checkout and Thank You pages. Click Customize to edit the Checkout, Thank You and Order Status pages.

Customize Checkout

Select the applications section. Click on this button to see all the available plug-ins from the apps you have installed.

Aplikacijų skiltis

Select Checkout page locations (only for Shopify Plus stores) or Thank you page locations (available for all stores).

Papildinio pasirinkimas

Save changes. Don't forget to click Save after adding the plugin.

Išsaugoti papildinį

Note: The nearest post office will be selected automatically, but the buyer can choose another one as required.

Then go to the shops section on our platform;

Choose your Pickup locations:

Under "After payment / In Checkout", click Continue:

In the next window, if you have connected your store properly, you should see a full list of Shopify's delivery methods:

You can set the pick-up locations for each delivery method by clicking the Settings button:

For each delivery method, set the pick-up points of the relevant Carrier so that the customer can choose them.

Once the settings are made, press the Update button.

Finally, for each method you create, select Enable.

Order confirmation on our platform

On our platform, go to the Orders section and you will see all the orders from your Shopify e-shop.

  1. At the top you can see the status of your orders. New orders always appear next to pending orders;;

  2. You can see the sender below. This is the information that will be reflected on the sticker in the sender's section. You can only fill it in one place: in Shopify settings -> Locations -> Add location.You can have multiple sender locations.

  3. On the right you see the update option - when selected, orders are triggered from the Shopify store to our platform.Every time you make a change to Shopify, e.g. adding a new shipper, you need to click update on our platform.

For each delivery method you have (e.g. LP Express post office, Omniva courier, etc.), you need to make a binding. You only need to do this once.

  1. Click on the Unmapped option;

  2. Make settings based on which delivery method you are binding for. These settings will apply in the future whenever an order with the same delivery method arrives. You can change these settings to:
    a. Courier;
    b. Pickup -> Delivery;
    c. Delivery;
    d. Services.

Once the mapping is done, all that's left to do is choose the sender:

Then, click on the order and, when an additional window appears, select Dispatch:

You will be able to download the sticker and, if necessary, the packing slip straight away:

Calling a courier

After you send a parcel in the orders section, a parcel sticker is generated for the parcel, but if you need a courier to come to pick up the parcel, you need to do additional steps:

  1. On our platform, go to the Shipments section;

  2. Tick the shipments that you need;

  3. Choose to Generate manifest and call courier;

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